Mrs B K K Pillai, popularly known as AUNTY by her adorable student community, simply loves celebrating Navarathri in her T.Nagar campus. The astronomical size of her Golu with 11 steps occupying the Auditorium Stage is a beautiful sight to treasure. Dieties from Ganesha to Lakshmi, Saraswathi, Durgai, Parvathy, they are monumental pieces that have been with her for generations.
28th Sept 2022 turned out to be a special day for both Student and Teacher communities of Shrine Vailankanni Sr Sec School. Guests from the Overseas Women Club visited them to elebrate Navarathri. The Students took immense pride in depicting the culture and tradition that was deeply rooted through Music, Dance, Theatre and Food. It was an indeed Wonderful Wednesday for both OWC and SVSSS where-in both interacted with immense happiness. Thanks to Mrs Rathi Nilakantan, Head of OWC for bringing them together.